Episode 6: Chuck Berry sex tape, vaccination nation, and ragging on your friends

Anthony skips bail and is on the lam, leaving Nick, Tarik, and Greg to do an episode by themselves.

Nick learns for the first time in his life, that Chuck Berry was a dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty little man, Tarik and Nick talk about the bullshit vaccination debate (serious segment) and Greg learns how to be more assertive and keep the other two in check. ‘Tis a doozie!

Thank you to MaverickMeyers Radio for sharing your music for our outdo!

Find more kickass tunes at www.youtube.com/c/MaverickMyersRadio/videos


Episode 7: Greg lets his creep flag fly, let’s do heroin! and the worst kind of lawyers BONUS: Nick gets freaky in the hot tub…


Episode 5: Socks vs. bare feet, Nigerian prince scams, and sitcom writing